Creating soulful and futuristic art


Cosmic Beauty

Exploring the theme of space, art and heavenly bodies

African Mythology

Exploring the theme of some African deities infused with surrealism and colors.

Afro Surrealism

This theme takes a more classic surrealist approach to create a new style

“We need to make 4IDEBEN famous, Legit the best artist of our generation. Don't fight me on it, I'm a proud owner of two of his pieces. I love the internet (sometimes).”


Sarah Edwards


Eben Nwaokpani

Eben is a Surrealism and Futurism artist born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. for more that 7 years, he has been fascinated with the idea of making each art more intriguing and compelling that the previous one. Eben has developed his skills from just traditional paint, he has immersed himself in digital art also. He is very passionate about including BIPOC in all his art.


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